, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MommyDharlz.Online: February 2021

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Celebrating Valentines Day

There is a need for us to celebrate today. Amidst the trials and challenges that the country, and the people are facing, we, the guests of this beautiful country are somehow affected too. We stay indoors for our safety and security and with COVID 19 and everything else, our anxiety doubles. 

So today, Valentines Day, a very ordinary event especially for those whose lovers are not with us physically, found solace in celebrating it with friends and in our case, housemates - just the 3 of us. 

The video above summarizes how we did it. Thanks to another Filipina who understands that being away from home can be sad and lonely but food can always bring cheers. hahaha.. 

Thank you for the Dinuguan and Puto SweetD's Mandalay..

And for a sweet Valentine treat, Thank you Tr Grace for this  Chocolate... goes well with wine.. hahaha..

Happy Valentines Day everyone..