, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MommyDharlz.Online: September 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

14th Place is Already Something.. I Am Grateful..

In the recent blogging contest that I joined in, I wrote that I am one of the Top 40 finalists.. Last August 28 was the final awarding, and I am happy to share that my blog entry landed on the 14th spot.. 

This is truly something that I didn't  pray for, to be honest because writing about my story has allowed me to release anxieties that has relieved me and destressed me. It was already a winning moment to be able to bravely write about things you couldn't  even tell anyone. Posting it has already made me a winner.

Thank you so much ComCo Southeast Asia for coming up with this empowering contest. 

Thanks also to all the sponsors and supporters. 

The greatest part is that there are beneficiaries that will receive help for each of their projects that will greatly affect the lives of the people they will help.. 

Somehow, I can say that this Write to Ignite Blogging Contest has a domino effect of good deeds. Something our world needs right now.. 

So to all the people who painstakingly took the time to read my very long emotion-filled blog, thank you so much  for leaving comments of encouragement and love. I truly appreciate  that very much.. 

Thank you..
Thank you...
Thank you..