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Thursday, April 8, 2021

Finally HOME!

We just arrived, and finally, settled in our quarantine facility. The people from OWWA and Philippine Coast Guard are taking care of us here now. But I want to commend the hard work that the Philippine Embassy in Myanmar have also put into bringing us all home, OFWs and Non OFWs.

Such a tiring two day travel, from Mandalay to Yangon and Yangon then here in Manila. But, thank you UNIVERSE, all is well now. I cried twice in this journey. First when we were approaching Yangon International Airport, and then when the plane landed in Manila International Airport. It's a mix of emotion leaving behind your home for almost 4 years, and coming home to your very own country. I guess it's because I haven't been home since last year, summer, October and December, unlike the previous years that I had a chance to go home 3 time a year.

Well, this will be a new adventure. I am glad I have set up my blogs again so I can freelance online as I wait for my next country of destination. 

Until we meet again friends in Myanmar. Please stay safe.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Birthday Donation Fundraising Thru Online Garage Sale and Previous Donations

I am pleased to announce that we have wrapped up our birthday donation fundraising through Online Garage Sale, and we are now ready to hand over 125,000 MMK and $10. Such a small amount, but it's heartily given from the sales of our items. I am grateful for Teacher Grace as she shared 50% of the sales of some of her items, that's 19000 in total. She will also be donating her unsold items, together with us, to  The Way Station Vineyard.

Previously, we have shared 2 sacks of Paw San Rice to  the beneficiary of the HCIS English Speaking Competition, Heal The Kids Burma.

And of course, during the Project X Competition of the same school, we have also donated both to the winners of the contest, as well as to the beneficiary of the said competition. 

For the Project X 2020 contest winners, we donated magnifying glass for all winners, plus 1st place winners received extra gift items in their bag. 

For the Aung Thuka Foundation orphanage, we donated school supplies, Math counters, English books and flash cards, colored pens and markers.

These 3 donations that we have participated in here in Myanmar, are truly life changing. It is in times when we don't have much to give that we have the desire to give because we know it is the only way we can help ease the burdens of others who are suffering. It doesn't matter how much... The important thing is we have given something along with our hearts...

Thank you Universe for these opportunities.