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Monday, May 31, 2021

Happy Monday

It's been awhile that I have posted an entry. Been busy doing things, thinking of so many things, and doing webinars mostly teacher related and agricultural related. I guess in the next few months this teacher will become a farmer. Ha! Let's just wait and see. 

I am also doing more videos for my You Tube channel, and preparing my mind and body for the long awaited vaccination. I still think of Myanmar every so often, and I missed everything and everyone.  I can only pray harder that they win back their democracy.
Till next post. I will be sharing some of the things I learned in my webinars.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Covid 19 Vaccine: Wil you get yourself vaccinated?

I am glad my parents are done with theirs.. I am still waiting for my schedule... 

I hope everyone gets vaccinated.. for herd immunity..