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Friday, October 22, 2021

Teacher to Gardener/Farmer and some realizations

From teaching, I am now a farmer. Yes, although smalltime, it's still considered farming. A beginner who needs to learn the ropes double time. Been here for almost 3 months straight but we've been visiting since May. I have my small vegetable garden of Blue Pumpkin, Giant Pumpkin and Pinoy Kalabasa, 3 kinds of Okra, 3 kinds of Chili's, Chayote, Cucumber, Ampalaya and fruits and berries like Strawberry l, Raspberry, Tomatillo Physalis and many others. My parents have also the Dragon Fruits here as well as our fishpond. I have my Turkey, Rabbits and hopefully soon, Ducks. 

We are new at this so we are learning. People here love to share ideas and constantly entice my father to go into planting corn so they can do the work in its entirety. Not a bad idea, but I personally don't approve. At least to protect my father. But who knows, he might give in.

Since I started living here, I have come to realize that people in the city and in the "bukid" are all the same. Some (not all, but most ) people think you have so much money, you become a target for all business proposals that will benefit them, and you, the source of their income. If you give an inch of inkling to boost your ego and you give in, you are bound to be dependent on them, which is what they want, so you can play by their rules and not yours. So I keep my distance from these kinds. I hire people to do a job or two for the farm, but when I feel they're pushing some buttons, I tell them I'll call when I need them because I don't have money to pay them if they continue. True to some point of course, but even if I have the budget, I will stop hiring such kinds of people to spare myself or our family, the problems that I foresee. Better to protect myself/ourselves before it'll be too late. 

Anyway, here's a video I shared on my YouTube channel of our first week here.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

14th Place is Already Something.. I Am Grateful..

In the recent blogging contest that I joined in, I wrote that I am one of the Top 40 finalists.. Last August 28 was the final awarding, and I am happy to share that my blog entry landed on the 14th spot.. 

This is truly something that I didn't  pray for, to be honest because writing about my story has allowed me to release anxieties that has relieved me and destressed me. It was already a winning moment to be able to bravely write about things you couldn't  even tell anyone. Posting it has already made me a winner.

Thank you so much ComCo Southeast Asia for coming up with this empowering contest. 

Thanks also to all the sponsors and supporters. 

The greatest part is that there are beneficiaries that will receive help for each of their projects that will greatly affect the lives of the people they will help.. 

Somehow, I can say that this Write to Ignite Blogging Contest has a domino effect of good deeds. Something our world needs right now.. 

So to all the people who painstakingly took the time to read my very long emotion-filled blog, thank you so much  for leaving comments of encouragement and love. I truly appreciate  that very much.. 

Thank you..
Thank you...
Thank you..