, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MommyDharlz.Online: Self Preservation is Self Care

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Self Preservation is Self Care

In this time of uncertainty, one is certain: life is precious but we don't know when we'd die. I hope you all have this in your heart, that our lives matter, so does everyone else's. How we take care of ourselves, we must also do with others. Although, self care first, before others, is not at all a bad thing. For how can you give if you are no longer capable; how can you give if your body fails you already? How can you protect others if you are already dead?

So yes, if you want to care for others, make sure you are doing good and well. I am saying these things because a lot of people are dying in all parts of the world, and it is not just brought about by this pandemic, but a lot of other factors.

Just recently, my Facebook newsfeed flooded with different opinions about the policeman who shot a mother and her son, in front of his very own daughter, and the other people in the home of the victims. My first question was, why did he shoot them? Second question, what triggered the incident? 
There are far too many questions why things happen. There are so many reasons behind every action, and to speculate is never a good thing. What was on his mind? How did he feel at that moment, and why? Instead of giving speculations and opinions, I think it is best to look at all angles, and listen to all sides involved.Was he under the influence of alcohol, or drugs? And of course, what about the victims. What happened? What did they do to provoke "the man with the gun" that caused him to fire his weapon at them? Maybe if we look at the situation and seek the "why", then we will understand what truly happened. 

Given the same situation, in case a man points a gun at me and my child, I wouldn't do or say anything that could worsen the situation. To say things to provoke the one who has the upper hand will surely put me and my child in danger. To be meek in a dying situation is better than to meet anger with anger and pride. I speak for myself, I don't know how other mothers would do it in that same scenario. Self preservation is self care, so I can continue to love and care for my child. I will never be able to do that if I am dead.

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