, pub-9551754683506821, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MommyDharlz.Online: Don't Lose Hope

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Don't Lose Hope

I am about to embark on another life journey. My life was on a standstill for a year and a month in counting, and all these times, I couldn't help but question why this happened. 

Then beginning of May, I found my answers. God makes us wait for very important reasons so don't lose hope. I will talk about this more on YT perhaps or maybe blog more about this when I am not so busy anymore. 

If you are feeling it too, just hang in there. There is a reason and a greater purpose for the "pause" that happens in our lives. 

Thank you Universe ❤ 


  1. Mommy Dharlz, I am really excited for you. I will wait for your vlogs and blogs about your new journey!
