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Showing posts with label Working Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Working Holiday. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Have you ever hugged a tree?

 I have... see????

This tree is said to be old, and it's huge... This was taken last year, on my mother's birthday. My friend Cho cho, a co-teacher from the previous school I taught in when I was in Yamethin, Myanmar took me to see Kyee Ne Lake, the most important body of water in the area as it is said to provide water and electricity in the area. 

I love the fact that being one with nature is not only being there, gazing at the marvelous sunrise, but I got to play around and hug the huge tree. This tree is just in front of the moat around the monastery, but we entered through the park, where people spend time to exercise, kids play on the playground, and in the evening, some shops will open for people who like to relax there. 

I love the fact that the entrance to the park is so inviting. So many plants and flowers in the area, my pictures do not show them though.  

This is just a few feet away from Kyee Ne Lake, which is completely opposite to what you see here. I am glad Cho cho brought me  here last year. This year, as we deal with Covid 19 pandemic, memories of this moment just makes me wish there's another chance for me to hug another huge old tree here in Myanmar.. 

Oh well, back to work. holiday is almost done.. Happy National Day Myanmar...

Friday, November 13, 2020

No Holiday For a Teacher

I have been teaching for more than half my life. Although some parts of that were involvements in organizations and I didn't really get paid to teach. But for the most part, whether it's a paid teaching job, or as a volunteer, teaching has always been rewarding. Although it entails long hours of preparation, long hours of extended service and unpaid overtimes, it will still be the job I will choose to have. Maybe even after I retire. Ha! I feel guilty sometimes because I am not with my daughter, and not really hands-on with her now, but come to think of it, it is one of the rewards I reaped. I have trained my daughter to become an  independent learner who excels even with less or no supervision with school work. Talking to her everyday online to follow up,  and talking with her teachers during PTC just proves that we parents must train our children to do things on their own then success in their learning can truly be theirs, and not ours to claim. Minimal supervision and mentoring can do wonders for a child who seeks learning and knowledge. That is a good thing. Of course, for my daughter, the training started at home, so she really didn't have any problem. But as a teacher, and seeing that some parents spoon feed their children makes me wonder. I wonder what will become of these children. No matter how much teachers encourage students to do independent learning, but if parents want to do things for their children, then that is the biggest problem. 

Anyway, today is a holiday, Deepavali or Diwali - Festival of Lights for our brothers and sisters of Jainism. We don't have classes today, but we are all busy here in the house finishing tasks and doing school related activities for next week. As an overseas Filipino teacher, each of us always do our best, because we do not want people to stereotype Filipino teachers badly. Ten times the best we gave when we were still teaching/working back home. One could say, there is really no holiday for a teacher, and especially if the teacher is also a mother. Teaching is a lifelong vocation, and just like motherhood, it doesn't end. 

Happy Deepavali/Diwali everyone..