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Sunday, December 13, 2020

My Male Version

Have you ever wondered how you would look if you are the opposite gender of what you are now? Well, a few months ago, I was intrigued by a phone app that allows us to see how we would look like if we were the opposite gender. So I tried it..


 So that is how I would look.. hahaha.. I posted it as my profile pic, and someone was so jealous thinking I have a new boyfriend.. LOL.. 

Anyway, there are a lot of these apps on Play Store, so if you like, you can search what you like to try and see for yourself.. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Have you ever hugged a tree?

 I have... see????

This tree is said to be old, and it's huge... This was taken last year, on my mother's birthday. My friend Cho cho, a co-teacher from the previous school I taught in when I was in Yamethin, Myanmar took me to see Kyee Ne Lake, the most important body of water in the area as it is said to provide water and electricity in the area. 

I love the fact that being one with nature is not only being there, gazing at the marvelous sunrise, but I got to play around and hug the huge tree. This tree is just in front of the moat around the monastery, but we entered through the park, where people spend time to exercise, kids play on the playground, and in the evening, some shops will open for people who like to relax there. 

I love the fact that the entrance to the park is so inviting. So many plants and flowers in the area, my pictures do not show them though.  

This is just a few feet away from Kyee Ne Lake, which is completely opposite to what you see here. I am glad Cho cho brought me  here last year. This year, as we deal with Covid 19 pandemic, memories of this moment just makes me wish there's another chance for me to hug another huge old tree here in Myanmar.. 

Oh well, back to work. holiday is almost done.. Happy National Day Myanmar...