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Saturday, April 24, 2021

My Young Living Journey Begins

I signed up for Young Living days before repatriation from Myanmar. When I arrived in the Philippines, it was only the time when I made payment during quarantine, because my enroller paid it while I was not able to process anything bank related back there. Banks were closed due to the unrest, and we couldn't do online banking because we had limited internet connection, which when we have it, was very slow. 

And it was only a few days ago that I had been able to do an unboxing of my YL PSK for my YouTube Channel, Mommy Dharlz. Below is the video, please watch it,

If you are interested to be part of my team, please leave me a message.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

7 Day Quarantine + Swab Test

Today is the 5th day of our quarantine, and this morning we had our swab test. It was a first for me, so I had been really anxious about it many days ago, and especially yesterday. Now that it's over, I feel better. I just need to think positively of the result, which is NEGATIVE - covidwise, lol.. 

Our government has set up a new system where we can easily check our results and get the certificate of result. 

So this morning we had the swab test, but it hasn't reached the lab yet.

When there is a result already, we will easily know... So when we have the result, I guess we can already go home. Then I will be with my family.